Harry Lorayne's Best Ever Collection - Volume 4

by Harry Lorayne

It was a particular pleasure to watch Harry Lorayne work in front of, and handle, an audience. It’s true: When Harry Lorayne teaches on camera, it’s almost as if he’s sitting with you in your own living room, helping you, guiding you. It will be hard for you to decide which you enjoy more—the performances or his explanations.

As he teaches a particular routine, he also teaches each sleight, each move, the psychology, the attitude. Watching Harry Lorayne is watching impromptu close-up magic at its best.

Each and every effect, idea, routine in this entire series can be done with a borrowed deck of cards.

You’ll be thrilled by Harry Lorayne’s performing/teaching ability, by his judgment, selectivity, attention to detail. He never abandons you; whatever he teaches, he teaches thoroughly. He walks you through it hand in hand.

Be prepared to sit, watch, enjoy—and learn!

1-Hour Bonus Footage of Harry's Amazing Memory Lecture/Demo!

DVD 4 includes all the material originally found on VHS Vol. 10 and the Magical Classics DVD.

Over 4 hours of instruction!

Easy Indicator
Instant Face-Up Catch (Naidich, Lorayne)
Out of My Control
Six Card Royal (Edwards)
My Second Keeper (Quine)
One-Eyed Jack Sandwich
Two-Card Trick (Hamman)
Color-Changing Deck #2 (performance only)
Vanishing Deck
Memory Demonstration: (performance only)
- Names Faces
- States, Capitals, Populations
- Academy Awards
- Simple Memory System
- Magazine
- Impossible Magic Square
Harry's Opener
Amazing Revelation Display
HaLo Again
HaLo Cut (explanation only)
HaLo Aces
Lorayne's Invisible Pass Routine
The Lorayne Spread Control (explanation only)
The Ultra Move
The Scoop Change (explanation only)
Impromptu Linking Card Routine
Amazing Prediction
The Sting
The Status Quo Shuffle (explanation only)
Together At Last
No Get Ready Double Lift from 4 Cards (explanation only)
The Universal Reversal (explanation only)
Monte Monte Plus
Card Sharp The 4 Gamblers (performance only)
Impossible 2-Card Location
The Ribbon Spread Palm
King's Highway
Spread Pass Delay
To Catch an Ace #5
Han Ping Chien Finesse
Salt-Less (explanation only)
Double Pancake Revelation
Flip-Up Double Lift & Double Lift Finesse (exp. only)
Easy Indicator

Running Time Approximately 4hr 5min

  • Model: D2024

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